Free promotion event for:
Advanced Training Group in the Management of Resistance in ISTDP:
Jonathan Entis and Mikkel Reher-Langberg 

A taste of the upcoming training

With this online seminar, Jonathan Entis and Mikkel Reher-Langberg wish to offer colleagues considering to join their upcoming training group on the “management of resistance in ISTDP” a taste of their teaching style and their take on ISTDP.

The seminar will begin with a brief introduction to some of the central ideas that will be developed in the aforementioned training, such as:

  • The four pillars of the resistance and Alliance
  • Systematic clarification versus observational clarification
  • Extended use of the HOC
  • Harnessing the force of the resistance against itself 

Following this introduction, a case will be presented from Jonathan Entis’ practice. During the presentation, the two teachers will discuss the progression of the session in light of the theoretical points made earlier.

At the end of the seminar, there will be time for questions from the audience.

More information about the training group is available here.

Practical information:

Time: March 2nd from 15.00 to 18.00 CET (Copenhagen time) / 9 am until noon EST (Eastern Standard Time).

Place: Online via zoom.

Qualifications: The seminar is open to Scandinavian participants. Since the presentations contain personally sensitive material, this seminar is for mental health professionals only, and requires a vow of confidentiality.

Registration: Contact Mikkel Reher-Langberg at:

Price and paymentFree of charge for members of the Danish or Swedish Societies for ISTDP.

Questions: Feel free to contact us with any requests or questions through or by phone: +45 20450167.

About Jonathan Entis

Jonathan Entis, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is licensed in both Massachusetts and New York. He is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School, where for the past four years he has taught and supervised in ISTDP. He is an IEDTA-certified teacher in ISTDP and has presented both nationally and internationally. He has co-lead  seminars on working with syntonic defenses in Davanloo’s ISTDP with John Rathauser, PhD, and working with Resistance against Emotional Closeness with Patrica Coughlin, PhD. Jonathan leads two Post-Core Training Groups in ISTDP based in Sweden and Norway, multiple international monthly online training groups, and also co-leads an advanced Core Training in Amsterdam with John Rathauser. He is also a co-author with John Rathauser and Mikkel Reher-Langberg on the upcoming book, Fundamentals of Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Volume I. You can contact him at

About Mikkel Reher-Langberg

Mikkel Reher-Langberg is an authorized psychologist, practicing ISTDP in Copenhagen’s Emotion Center. Since 2019, he has been president of the Danish Society for ISTDP, and organizer of the Scandinavian ISTDP-Academy, as well as many other seminars in ISTDP. Reher-Langberg’s main influence in ISTDP has been John Rathauser, with whom he has has studied since 2018. He is the author of the book “Faces of the Freudian ‘I'”, about the notion of the ego in Sigmund Freud’s metapsychology. He is currently working on two books on the basic principles and dynamics of ISTDP: “Fundamentals of Davanloo’s ISTDP Volume 2”, as well as “Fundamentals of Davanloo’s ISTDP Volume 1”, the latter in collaboration with John Rathauser and Jonathan Entis. You can contact him at