1., 2., og 3. Feb 2019
A three-day seminar by Dr. John H. Rathauser, USA

psykologer i århus

Emotion Center Copenhagen invites you to

A three-day seminar by Dr. John H. Rathauser, USA


“The Twin Factors of Transference and Resistance in Davanloo’s IS-TDP”  

Copenhagen 2019

Emotion Center is thrilled to have the opportunity to welcome John H. Rathauser to Copenhagen, and look forward to learn from this master of Davanloo’s IS-TDP, not least due to his renowned expertise on the Head-On-Collision with the resistance and working in the Transference.

About the Presenter

John Hans Rathauser, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist with over 35 years of clinical experience. Following completion of his doctorate in clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology – Los Angeles, his postdoctoral experiences began with a five-year period of training at the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health in New York.  In 1994 John Rathauser entered into training with Habib Davanloo, M.D. in Montreal, Canada, spending eight years in Dr. Davanloo’s Core Training Group. From 2002-2016 he continued to attend annual weeklong metapscyhology conferences, which Dr. Davanloo held in Montreal, Canada. John Rathauser’s private practice in Kendall Park, N.J. is largely devoted to the practice of Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (IS-TDP), as well as providing training to mental health practitioners, which is additionally offered in Los Angeles based core training programs in IS-TDP. He has given numerous presentations on IS-TDP nationally and internationally, and is a supervisor for the International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association (IEDTA). You can contact him at johnrathauser@comcast.net.

Course outline

A fundamental aspect of Davanloo’s technique of unlocking the unconscious, is that complex transference feelings and access to guilt are optimized by putting “pressure” and “challenge” to feelings that are generated in relationship to the therapist. The primary factors that influence the permanence of change achieved during treatment are the degree of the resistance and the extent of the TCR (transference component of the resistance). 

An array of clinical cases will be reviewed to demonstrate these core principles of Davanloo’s IS-TDP, in order to help clinicians conceptualize:

  • The Central Dynamic Sequence, with focus on the stages of Pressure and Challenge
  • Intensification and crystallization of defenses in the T (transference), with emphasis on how to “tilt” the process from C to T
  • Use of head-on-collisions (HOC’s), ISTDP’s most powerful form of intervention, to create an intrapsychic conflict between the resistance (R) and the unconscious therapeutic alliance (UTA), with intensification of the R being a prerequisite for an “unlocking” of the unconscious

Course specifics

Day 1: Dangerous Minds: Applying Davanloo’s ISTDP to Patients with Violent Histories

Davanloo understood unconscious guilt to be the primary engine behind self-sabotage, character pathology and symptom formation. But scant attention is often given to the issue of “secondary guilt” – that is to say, guilt that derives from serious harm done to others as a result of the patient’s unresolved feelings toward genetic figures. On Day 1 of the seminar, Dr. Rathauser will present two cases featuring patients who come to terms with past acts of violence while facing and resolving unconscious murderous rage and guilt.  

Days 2 and 3: Colliding with the Resistance

In Davanloo’s IS-TDP, accessing unconscious feelings, particularly guilt, requires maximum facilitation of the transference component of the resistance (TCR) and the Unconscious Therapeutic Alliance (UTA). In Day 2 & 3 of the seminar, Dr. Rathauser will demonstrate the use of the Head-on Collision to achieve this end. Deemed the most powerful of all IS-TDP interventions, HOCs are often the most difficult for therapists to execute. Dr. Rathauser will present a variety of cases illustrating the use of brief, composite and interlocking forms of the Head-on Collision, demonstrating their effectiveness in mobilizing the unconscious, solidifying the therapeutic relationship, and breaking through into the unconscious.

Practical information

  • Date & Time: 2020. (1st at 10-17, 2nd at 10-17, and 3rd at 10-17).
    Place: Kulturhuset Tomsgårdsvej, Tomsgårdsvej 35, 2400 København NV (Free parking in the parking behind the House)
  • Registration: Email to emotioncenter@protonmail.com
  • Fee: …… transferred to Emotion Center’s account:
  • Nordea: Reg. 2124 Konto. 6895280214
  • Iban for international transfer: 
    IBAN DK9720006895280214

    Emotion Center, Frederikssundsvej 60D, 1. sal, 2400 København, Danmark.

  • Registration fee: includes lunch and coffee/tea each day.
  • Practical questions: Email to psykolog@reher-langberg.dk


  • Language: The course will be in English
  • Confidentiality: As the presentations will contain personally sensitive material, the course is for health professionals only, under a oath of confidentiality.